Kristijan Fidanovski


telephone: (+43-1) 533 66 10-25

Kristijan Fidanovski is Economist at wiiw focusing on tobacco taxation and macroeconomic analysis in the Western Balkans. He is also a PhD Candidate at the University of Oxford’s Department of Social Policy and Intervention and a Junior Visiting Fellow at the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna, where he examines the discursive representation, policy manifestation, political drivers, and fertility effects of pronatalism in Eastern Europe. His other research interests include EU integration, labour market adaptation to population aging, bilateral disputes, and nationalism. He has provided consulting services to the European Union, The Economist Intelligence Unit, Oxford Analytica, and the United Nations Fund for Population Activities, among others. He holds an MA in International Relations with a focus on Eastern Europe from Georgetown University and University College London, respectively.

Austria, Vienna

List of Publications

wiiw Publications

wiiw Publications

wiiw Policy Notes and Reports
  • 'Analysis of the Fiscal and Health Impact of Increasing Tobacco Excise Taxes in Ukraine' (with Biljana Jovanovikj, Nóra Kungl and Hana Ross), wiiw Policy Note/Policy Report, No. 82, Vienna, August 2024
wiiw Opinion Pieces
  • 'wiiw launches research network on tobacco and other health-related taxes in Central and Eastern Europe', wiiw Opinion Piece, Vienna, July 2024
  • 'wiiw’s health tax initiative moves its tobacco research forward with a conference and internal workshop', wiiw Opinion Piece, Vienna, July 2024
